We originally published this post in January 2021 to highlight our belief that “Khazar” related history is mostly a “throw” or distraction from more pressing issues.
The piece was published just before Russia rolled into Ukraine. Since “Old Khazar” was supposedly located where Ukraine is today, and references to the Khazarian Empire have been on the upswing since the Russian invasion, we think this article is now especially relevant.
On the more speculative front, but nonetheless potentially relevant, we note the revelation that Igor Kolomoysky is the primary puppet-master pulling Volodymyr Zelensky‘s strings, dovetails into our broader thesis below, which is that the mostly imaginary “Khazarians” were “dug-up” to distract from the real evil deeds of modern Sabbateans.
The speculation begins with Kolomoysky’s sponsorship of Ukraine’s Nazi battalions, which of course seems odd since Kolomoysky is Jewish. Considering that Sabbateans mostly pose as Jews (maybe Quakers and Jesuits; see main article) the possibility that Kolomoysky is a Sabbatean given his support of local Ukrainian Nazis, is worth considering.
Kolomoysky, would not be the first Sabbatean and Nazi collaboration. The origins of the particularly brutal Croatian Nazi brigades, allied with the German Nazis during World War II, can supposedly be traced to Sabbatean Frankist (aka Sabbateans, aka Frankist) adherents.
The outburst of Croatian nationalism after 1918 was one of the main threats for Yugoslavia’s stability. During the 1920s, Ante Pavelić, lawyer, politician and one of the Frankists, emerged as a leading spokesman for Croatian independence. In 1927, he secretly contacted Benito Mussolini, dictator of Italy and founder of fascism, and presented his separatist ideas to him. Wikipedia – Genocide of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia
Kolomoysky’s Ohio Holdings
Another angle worthy of a deeper research dive is Kolomoysky’s concentrated presence as an investor in industrial concerns and properties located in Ohio. Maybe Ohio has a lot of attractive investment opportunities, but we also note that Jeffrey Epstein’s boss Les Wexner and his business empire are headquartered in Ohio.
Epstein’s “dealings” and symbiology are reminiscent of Sabbatean practices and/or Luciferian. Les Wexner has also been accused of having debauched tendencies.
Deeper down the Ohio, Epstein, Kolomoysky rabbit hole are the Cincinnati origins of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., which was an important agent bank in North America for the Rothschild family; also suspected of being secret Sabbateans.
Begin original post.
There may have been a Khazarian Empire from the 7th to the 9th Century. If there was one, they have been dead a long time.
This is a long and winding post. There is a conspiracy to consider at the end, but it does not involve Khazarian. Also a lot of background was needed to get to the conclusion. Hopefully the background is interesting nonetheless.
The “legend’ of the Khazarian Empire goes like this. In the 8th or 9th Century, the king of the Khazars decided to pick a religion for his country. He invited a Priest and Rabbi and a Imam to make their cases. The king picked Judaism, everyone in the empire converted to Judaism and the empire enjoyed another 200 years, or so, of military and economic success.
By the year 1000 or so, the Khazarian Jewish empire was absorbed by other empires or otherwise fell into historical obscurity like the Bulgars, the Franks, the Gepids, the “Moots” and many more.
Despite a lot of YouTube videos about the Kharzars, the only thing that academic historians might attest to is that there probably was a Khazarian kingdom. Maybe they were Jewish.

There was/is no Khazarian Mafia
The second part of the Khazarian “throw” is that the Jewish people of Khazaria dispersed and the ones that settled in Germany are the ancestors of the Ashkenazi Jews and that the Ashkenazi, or some, or all, form a cabal (Mafia) that has been ruling the world for hundreds of years.
In summary, no.
Nothing in the historical record supports the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are the descendants of the Khazars. There are no similarities between Yiddish (a variant of German), which is what the Ashkenazi mostly spoke and the Turkic language the Khazars would have spoken. No one can find any meaningful cultural similarities (oral traditions, recipes, songs, etc.) that would suggest that Ashkenazi Jews originally came from the Caucus mountains between the Black and Caspian Seas.
The most recent evidence that has emerged, that the Ashkenazi are not related to the Khazars, is DNA evidence that supports the thesis that the Ashkenazi have Middle Eastern Origins (Israel), as expected.
The DNA evidence is vast and well understood for all types of ethnic groups, and growing, and the science supports the theory that the Ashkenazi started in the Middle East, reached Italy during Roman times (likely brought there as slaves during the First Jewish-Roman War [66-73 CE]), and made their way to the Rhine Valley in Germany by about the year 1000.
Khazarian Mafia theories exist to keep Conspiracy Theorists busy
There is a Deep State. The Deep State is controlled by a wealthy elite that have more economic and government control that could be achieved through ethical means. They are secretive. Many have a common origin. Identifying the common origin makes it easier to identify who the Deep State players are today.
The common origin of many of the major Deep State individuals of the 21st and 20th centuries are an affiliation with Sabbatean Frankists, the Luciferian cult started by Sabbatai Zevi in about 1666 and that may have had up to one million followers at the time.
As a Conspiracy Theorist, “they” are hoping you spend a lot of time and energy looking into the history of the Khazars, which have not existed for 1,000 years, and therefore do not matter.
As a Conspiracy Theorist, “they” are hoping you do not spend a lot of time and energy looking into the Sabbatean movement, which definitely existed in the 20th Century, and very likely exists today.
Bonus for the Deep State overlords if they can make you look like an unhinged anti-Semite by helping you buy into the idea that Ashkenazi Jews (aka “the Khazarian Mafia”) are secretly plotting to take over the world. Khazarian Mafia conspiracy theories and Nazi-“esque” Jewish Cabal conspiracy theories analogies then easily write themselves.
The Sabbatean Frankist influence on 20th Century history and current events can then be;
- ignored and,
- be rendered “untouchable”, because, like the dubious Jewish origins of the Khazars, the Sabbatean cult was started by a Rabbi, and can conveniently be called “just another anti-Semitic” trope.
A Non-Denominational Luciferian Cult
Sabbateans and Frankists and Sabbatean-Frankists are hard to find. They publicly identify as observant Jews, or Muslims or Catholics or Protestants.
Sabbateans that pose as Muslims in Turkey are known as the Dönmeh. (The Dönmeh may also include Jews who converted to Islam but secretly remained committed to traditional Judaic (non-Sabbatean) practices.) The Wahabi Sect of Saudi Arabia is believed the Islamic version of Sabbateanism.
The Sabbateans are mostly portrayed as a Jewish cult and when Sabbatai Zevi was gathering followers it probably was. In 1666 Zevi was hardly the first or only “Holy Man”, of any religion, to proclaim themselves the messiah, prophet, or be called a heretic, blaspheme or “nut job” by traditional adherents.
By the middle of the 17th Century (around 1666), Protestantism, which was kicked off by Martin Luther in 1517, was spinning off all types of sects. Some of these sects were established because of a lack of perceived orthodoxy and others because of an excess of perceived orthodoxy.
Some of the more radical Protestant Sects had their best recruiting years and attracted the most disdain from traditional ministers at the same time Rabbis in Europe were calling Sabbatai Zevi a false messiah (con-man, heretic, etc.)
Some of the larger Protestant Sects included Ranters, Anabaptists, Mennonites, and Quakers. These Protestant spin-offs practiced, or were accused of practicing, antinomianism.
Antinomianism seems to be a common thread between some of the Protestant sects, Sabbateanism and at least one “main-line” Catholic order (the Jesuits).
Antinomianism (Ancient Greek: ἀντί, “against” and νόμος, “law”) is any view which rejects laws or legalism and argues against moral, religious or social norms (Latin: mores), or is at least considered to do so. The term has both religious and secular meanings. Wikipedia.
Antinomianism is a broad topic but we find it interesting that the Jesuits, the Sabbateans and some Protestant sects have been accused of antinomianism. The accusations ranged from the mundane to the extreme.
That is, depending on the level of commitment or zealotry, a rejection of a mostly mundane or harmless requirement to wear a beard by one sect, as set forth under Leviticus, might be considered “antinomian” by beard wearing sects like the Amish and Hasidic.
At the extreme end, a sect that espoused the complete rejection of ethical norms, like murder for profit, would also be accused of antinomianism. The Quakers, which were often accused of antinomianism, were not looking for those types of antinomians to join their Society.
The Quakers would argue a person can remain moral without the Bible, or a Minister’s interpretation of what the Bible says, and that the individual should strive to live a moral existence.
The more extreme Ranters reportedly (Ranter detractors wrote their history) argued there is no need for the Ten Commandments and one can ignore them if they want to and still go to heaven (avoid hell, obtain salvation, etc.)
The Jesuits were accused of antinomianism for, among other reasons, making up its own rules about confession requirements for wealthy people.
The French philosopher Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) admonished the Jesuit order for selling indulgences. For example, a poor person might have to say 500 Hail Marys for missing mass two Sundays in a row but a wealthy person can say 5 Hail Marys and donate $500 for their penance. Pascal basically said that the Jesuits were letting rich people get away with murder.
The concept of antinomianism and it’s for-or-against arguments are more complex than is worth getting into here. The point is that antinomianism was popular in the mid-17th Century among both Christian and Jews and Muslims. Then, within each of the three Abrahamic religions, variants and derivatives emerged.
We are not saying antinomian Jewish and Christian sects were in “cahoots” in the middle of the 17th Century but will consider that extremist variants that had a mutual disregard for traditional morals may have dovetailed into a non-denominational Luciferian cult that still exists today.
Modern Antinomianism
Anabaptists were considered to be antinominalists. Among the variants and derivatives that emerged in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, the Amish and the Mennonites still survive, likely because of a lack of any extremist rejection of societal norms. (Allowing wife swapping would be a good way to upturn the social order, beard requirements and shaving rules not so much.)
The Quakers also survived into the 21th Century whereas it is hard to find any Ranter congregations these days. Quakers were some of the staunchest abolitionists. To the extent the Bible or the leadership of other Protestant sects did not offer guidance concerning the responsibilities of Christians towards freeing slaves, the inner moral compass of a Quaker was the “light” that compelled Quakers to abolish slavery.
As much as critics of antinomianism would argue the Ten Commandments explicitly say not to covet the neighbors wife, therefore there is nothing to stop an antinomian from “coveting”, the Quaker could argue that the Ten Commandments do not say anything about not owning slaves, nevertheless, their is nothing Christian about being a slave holder.
As mentioned, the Jesuits were accused of antinomianism. As one of the largest orders in the Catholic Church, and because the Jesuits are always near the top of the list of suspected secret Luciferians who control the World, they require a much deeper dive than what we can get into here.
Quakers and Jews
The Quakers need a deeper dive as well. Despite the Quakers well earned reputation for promoting peace and being at the forefront of the abolitionist movement, they are not without controversy. Early in the 19th Century, Jews and Quakers in Philadelphia were accused of conspiring.
The alleged “conspiracy” might just have been a function of two relatively well-off merchant classes coming together often for mutual commercial purposes.
Add that the Quaker population in the Philadelphia region was small compared to the entire Protestant population, and the Jewish population was small compared to the entire population in the area, the Conspiracy theorists of the day might conclude both groups were both up to no good, together.
Even if the conspiracy was a construct of jealous commercial rivals (Jews and Quakers trust each other because they are both minority religions), we are curious if the antinomian Quakers exchanged ideas with any antinomian, Jewish sects (like the Sabbateans) that might have existed.
Herbert Hoover was a Quaker
It is hard to imagine a less offensive religious doctrine than the form of antinomianism that was practiced by the Quakers. As noted, they were at the forefront in the effort to abolish slavery at a time when at least some Protestant denominations were looking in the scriptures for reasons to keep it going.
We do wonder though if there is something to the Quaker’s antinomian doctrine that puts them in the same realm as the antinomian Jesuits and antinomian Sabbateans. In the case of the Quakers, we ask ourselves, have any individuals or families adopted a morally objectionable interpretation of what it means to be an antinomian?
There are a few family names that we would look into more deeply, but for now we will just reference, for future research, a number of Quaker connections to the JFK Assassination in this article Philadelphia Quakers – With Oswald in Mexico City – by Bill Kelly. (Also here, since these types of links tend to disappear. Philadelphia Quakers – With Oswald in Mexico City – PDF version.)
Two U.S. Presidents were Quakers. One was Richard M. Nixon. The other was Herbert Hoover. Nixon and Hoover are nobody’s favorite Presidents. The former everyone knows from Watergate. The latter is known as the President who was in office when the Great Depression started.
We are starting to get the impression that the Great Depression was another dastardly deed of the denizens of the Deep State, and Herbert Hoover was their agent in the Oval Office to make sure everything went miserably.
This piece is already too long, so here is a bullet pointed list of incidents, organizations and people the Herbert Hoover was associated with that makes us consider he wasn’t one of those nice Quakers you find on a box of oatmeal.
- Save Belgium – Hoover was the leading American advocate for the US to send troops to Europe to keep the Kaiser from raping the Belgians any more than they already had.
- It was basically a propaganda effort to get the US involved in World War I, so that the Robber Barons and Bankers could make a lot of money (and depopulate the planet) very quickly. (See Belgian Relief Commission.)
- Hoover coordinated with Belgian exiles who also belonged to the Belgian aristocracy, whom we would argue were agents for the Rothschilds.
- Sure that was 100 years ago, nevertheless, we have independently connected Herbert Hoover to more modern Deep State apparatchiks, some of whom are still conniving.
- New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s grandfather, Donald George Wilhelm Sr. was Hoover’s PR man during World War I and helped write propaganda with Edward Bernays to get the USA involved. (More about DeBlasio’s Grandfather here.)
- The propaganda effort on the US side included the efforts of Suzanne Silvercruys, the Greta Thunberg of her day. Ms. Silvercruys crisscrossed the United States during WWI describing German atrocities, real and embellished. Some 30 years later, Silvercruys shows up as the founder of the Minute-Woman, an anti-communist group started in the late 1940s. It’s largest and most successful chapter was in Houston. The Houston Chapters leaders included Joanne Johnson King Herring, the socialite who was once married to the founder of Enron, and who helped Congressman Charlie Wilson keep weapons flowing to Afghanistan after the Soviet Invasion. (Plenty more on Herring and Silvercruys here.)
- Our latest discovery should make all conspiracy theorists say “holy shit”. We recently wrote about Admiral Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss. Briefly, Admiral Strauss is connected to:
- World War I refugee relief organizations.
- A partner at Kuhn Loeb for 20+ years. (Kuhn Loeb was the agent bank of the Rothschild’s after the Civil War and through the 1920’s, if not later.
- In charge of research, development and production of high-tech proximity fuses during World War II. (Didn’t Julius Rosenberg pilfer proximity fuse plans from Fort Monmouth during World War II? Yes, he did.)
- Two time Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission during the 1950s, when,
- the first commercial license to make weapons grade uranium was awarded to;
- NUMEC, which was formed from 3 penny stock companies in 1957;
- one of which was, the San Toy Mining Company;
- which was under the control of ASARCO,
- the largest smelter in the world owned by,
- the Rockefeller and Guggenheims, the latter of which,
- are basically a North American extension of the Rothschild family, via business and marriage.
- the Rockefeller and Guggenheims, the latter of which,
- the largest smelter in the world owned by,
- which was under the control of ASARCO,
- one of which was, the San Toy Mining Company;
- NUMEC, which was formed from 3 penny stock companies in 1957;
- the first commercial license to make weapons grade uranium was awarded to;
- Admiral Louis Strauss was not only the personal secretary of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, who was suicided in 1949, but also, the personal secretary of Herbert Hoover. It’s a small world.
What we are trying to establish, or at least offer for consideration, is the idea that the Quaker President Herbert Hoover was tightly connected to the Rothschild’s banking syndicate. Hoover was also a director of Rio Tinto (one of the largest mining companies in the world since formed in 1873 and controlled by the Rothschilds.)
The “leap” is to consider the possibility that Quakers (like Hoover) and Sabbateans (like the Rothschilds*) and Jesuits (always on the list of likely “near-do-wells”) have been conspiring for at least 100 years, if not longer, and that their common commitment to antinominalist principals puts them under one big Luciferian umbrella.
*Epstein has focused too much attention on the Sabbatean wing of the antinominalist syndicate so they want the conspiracy crowd to bury themselves in a Khazarian rabbit hole. Why do we say Epstein was a Sabbatean? That is a whole other story.