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The Profumo Affair was a highly publicized British Sex Scandal in the early 1960s. (Murph Relatives Part 1)


It led to the resignation of Prime Minister Harold Macmillan in October 1963.

Christine Keeler
Christine Keeler

The central characters in the Profumo Affair were John Profumo, the Secretary of State for War in Harold Macmillan’s Conservative government, Captain Yevgeny Ivanov, a Soviet naval attaché, Stephen Thomas Ward (osteopath and pimp) and Christine Margaret Keeler, high-end call girl and fashion model, who was only 19 when she became famous.

Ancillary characters in the Profumo Affair were William Waldorf Astor II, 3rd Viscount Astor, his wife and fashion model Janet Bronwen Alun Pugh, the “Most Interesting Man in the World”, who is apparently from Deal, New Jersey, aristocratic British pimps, a number of other fashion model/call girls and a few U.S. Air Force personnel stationed in the United Kingdom.

Project Bowtie is the highly redacted FBI file on the whole Profumo Affair. The standard understanding of the Profumo Affair was that it was mostly a problem and attraction for British politicians and public, respectively.

The Bowtie file implies there was a material American component to the Profumo Affair. The Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell business model of pimping out impressionable young fashion models to the rich and powerful implies that human trafficking, under the protection of Intelligence agencies, is nothing new.

In the context of the Profumo Affair’s international reach and the ancillary characters involved, Tammy Snyder Murphy’s parents deserve a closer look.

After all, Tammy’s mom, Jean (nee Medway) Snyder was a fashion model and Tammy’s dad, was a US Air Force Sergeant, when they met in London, in that era.

Spies and Fashion Models and Fashion Model Spies

Cliveden Profumo Affair
Cliveden – Main House

The events leading up to the specific controversies under the umbrella of “The Profumo Affair”, began in July 1961 when Stephen Thomas Ward brought Christine Margaret Keeler to the “Summer Cottage” on the grounds of Cliveden, the English country house and estate of the Astor family. It was purchased by American “Robber Baron” William Waldorf Astor (1st Viscount Astor) in 1893.

The Summer Cottage, which was separate from the main house, had an indoor pool. Keeler was swimming naked when she first met John Profumo, who was married to a British actress named Barbara Hobson at the time.

The “when” and “where” of “who” did what with “who”, are disputed, and mostly what the press focused on.

Under the surface though, it has become pretty clear that the Astor Estate was where Stephen Ward, and others, brought pretty young girls, like Keeler, to compromise the wealthy and powerful, like at Epstein Island.

The use of the cottage on the Astor Estate by Stephen Ward goes back to at least 1956 when Lord Astor first gave Ward the keys to the cottage in exchange “for a nominal rent.” The FBI Files quote Astor as having known Ward since 1949.

cliveden Summer Cottage
Cliveden – The Summer Cottage

Stephen Ward’s career as a pimp likely goes back to just after World War II, when he started treating the rich and famous for their osteopathic problems (basically Ward was a chiropractor.)

If Stephen Ward was just arranging dalliances between wealthy and powerful men and young models (loosely defined), then the Profumo Affair would not have been such a big deal.

That John Profumo was the Minister of Defense made the Affair a big deal, and that Captain Yevgeny Ivanov was also a Keeler client made the Affair a concern for intelligence agencies in the United States as well.

The FBI’s Project Bowtie files show that the FBI, CIA, and various military intelligence agencies kept tabs on what was going on across the Atlantic. The FBI and NYPD quickly noticed that some of Keeler and Ward’s call-girl associates were connected to Harry Allan Towers, another British pimp operating in Manhattan.

Briefly, in 1961 Towers, a semi-well-known film and television producer was arrested in New York City for operating a vice ring. His “girl-friend”, Marie Novotny, was also arrested. The two managed to leave NYC before facing trial, but the two, and other associates, were clearly in the business of compromising UN delegates and other powerful men visiting New York.

Aside from connecting the NYC Harry Allan Towers ring with Stephen Ward’s London ring, the US intelligence agencies were interested in the Americans that the London girls and NYC girls were “in-bed-with.”

There are a few articles and assertions and insinuations that President John F. Kennedy knew at least two of the girls intimately, (Suzy Change and Maria Novotny are mentioned), and possibly Christine Keeler herself.  (Harry Allan Towers was an associate of British actor, and Rat Pack member, and brother-in-law of JFK, Peter Lawford.)

The JFK allegations might be true, but they seem like more of a distraction. “Look at the scintillating sex scandal over here. Don’t look at the secret weapons’ technology being stolen over there.”

The US Air Force Connection

The US Air Force was founded on September 18, 1947, when it became its own military branch, separating from the U.S. Army.

William Stuart Symington became the first Secretary of the Air Force. As we have written about in numerous pieces Symington (future US Senator from Missouri, JFK’s first pick for V.P., Gibson Island resident) was a top executive in the Deep State’s chain of command, and can be connected to all sorts of intrigue, such as the death of Secretary Forrestal, the Rosenberg Spy Ring, UFOs and on and on. (Relevant Symington Posts, Linked Below.)

We would argue that Symington used his position as the first Secretary of the U.S. Air Force to oversee the sale of technology to friends and enemies.

The FBI files show Christine Keeler socializing with three enlisted U.S. Air Force personnel. (They were African Americans, as referenced many times.) She also gave birth to a baby fathered by another enlisted African American in 1959. The baby died within two weeks.

The Air Force flew the three men back to the states for interrogation when the Profumo scandal broke, and the three were cleared and sent back to England.

The FBI files insinuate that the three enlistees were not involved in any activities that might have national security implications. Still, from the records available, it does not look like much effort was directed toward discovering higher ups in the chain-of-command that might have known Keeler.

Alternatively, the reason why the FBI records remain highly-redacted is because the “discoveries” did not fit the narrative the FBI, and CIA and Military Intelligence units wanted to construct.

The Air Force Sergeant and the Fashion Model

Tammy’s mother and father met in England sometime before 1956. Tammy’s mom, Jean Medway Snyder and her six-year-old daughter (Tammy’s half-sister, Marjorie Wallace Snyder) arrived in the United States on November 5th, 1956.

As the story goes, per various public recollections, Edward Brown Snyder met Jean Medway in London when he was stationed there as a US Air Force Sergeant, and she was working as a runway model.

Any evidence that suggests that Ed and Jean were involved in the type of network that made the Profumo Affair a big deal is purely circumstantial. Nevertheless, there are some common themes.

Edward Brown Snyder’s military records are very thin. We are not experts in sourcing these documents so maybe someone else can do a better job.

That being the case, our searches might have been hampered by inconsistencies, which are probably accidental but possibly deliberate.

Inconsistencies Summarized:

Middle name “Brown.” Usually when a surname is used as a middle name, we can find the ancestor in the family tree. It is often the maiden name of the mother, but it can also be the maiden name of grandmother, great-grandmother etc., especially if it confers status. (“Walker” as in Max Walker Lauren [born 2018] comes from his mother’s side of the family, Lauren Bush, and ultimately George Herbert Walker, the grandfather of President George Herbert Walker Bush Sr.)

The point is that we can not find a “Brown” in the Edward Brown Snyder family tree, going back at least three generations. (Snyder was likely originally “Schneider.”)

Alias? “Darnell?” Someone on ancestry recently added the name Edward Darnell to Edward Brown Snyder’s profile as an alias. His step-daughter’s last name was originally Darnell, so maybe that’s where some confusion arises, again either by accident or deliberately.

Nickname? Ancestry was also recently updated to include the name “Brown Fax” as a middle name, instead of just “Brown.” Maybe another mistake, but maybe it should be “Brown Fox”, which sounds like a nickname.

Another name in the Snyder family tree is “Loeb.” The inconsistencies in the census data suggest something is amiss and requires another sizable post to explain.

Any connections to Langley Air Force base?

Edward Brown Snyder grew up near Langley AFB, which is just north of Norfolk, VA. It became NASA headquarters in 1958 and before that various Military Technology was developed their going back to the 1920s. We do not know if Snyder had any connection to Langley, which is where a lot of secrets disappeared over the years, including the Norden Bombsight.

Admiral Louis Lichtenstein Strauss worked on the development of the proximity fuse there in the late 1930s and early 1940s. He is high on the list of likely Deep State executive officers. (More on Admiral Strauss.)

Runway Model for Hardy Aimes – Royal Dressmaker / World War II Spy.

Jean Medway Snyder modeled the couture of Sir Hardy Aimes, “dressmaker to Queen Elizabeth from her accession to the throne to his retirement in 1989.” 

Sir Hardy Aimes is an interesting fellow. During World War II, he joined the Belgian section of the Special Operations Executive. He was a British Spy.

He was also the costume designer for Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey.” It is hard not to consider that Kubrick might have been influenced by Hardy Aimes and his circle of beautiful models and creepy old aristocrats meeting for orgies at the Astor Estate when making his last movie, Eyes Wide Shut.

Joan Medway Snyder’s obituary hints at other Deep State connections. She was a lifetime member of the Royal Horticultural Society, which is very upper-crusty. The obituary says she and her husband traveled to over 100 countries in the 61 years they were married. That sounds very CIA”ish”.

We’ll get to the Most Interesting Man in the World, from Deal N.J., and explain how he fits in to the Profumo Affair and some ne’er-do-wells that hail from Norfolk, Virginia.


Additional Information – Links to D-State Analytics

Senator Stuart Symington and the Sale of Fort Monmouth Secrets. Look There’s a UFO! – Part I

Harry Gold, Another Reluctant Red Patsy for the Gibson Island Syndicate – Fort Monmouth Weapon’s Exfiltration Franchise – Part II

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